20-1003020 Head gasket
20-1008080 Gasket between the manifold and the cylinder head
20-1008019 Gasket between manifolds
20-1002116 Gasket, valve cover
12-1307048 Water Pump Gaskets
20-1002050 Gasket, cover plate for timing gears to the block
20-1002064 Gasket, timing gear cover
20-1003063 Gasket, water pipe outlet
11-9447 Gasket between carburetor and manifold
63-1009042 Gasket, oil dipstick and crankcase
11-5270 Gasket exhaust flange
51-1106170 gasoline pump gasket
70-6617 Gasket of the oil pump
51-1017065 Oil filter gaskets
11-6701, 20-1009071 / 70 Oil pan gaskets
Gearbox gaskets
12-1104022 gaskets gas line and fuel sensor