
Reducer of a wire of flexible shaft to a speedometer and a taximetre assy 20А-3817210-Б, ГВ36-Г for GAZ-21

# 20А-3817210-Б, ГВ36-Г used
Motor cab Light assy (21-3731200)
Taximetre assy (21А-3817010-Б)
$ 536,75
Lamp 12 in
Shaft flexible from a reducer to a taximetre
$ 17,89
Shaft flexible from a reducer to a speedometer assy (21А-3802020)
7,6 1
Shaft flexible from a gear box to a reducer assy (12А-3817020)

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Reducer of a wire of flexible shaft to a speedometer and a taximetre assy

Reducer of a wire of flexible shaft to a speedometer and a taximetre assy

used # 20А-3817210-Б, ГВ36-Г
Reducer of flexible shaft to the speedometer and the taximeter assembly. The set includes a flexible shaft from the Reducer to the taximeter assembly. Price per set.